
Bandit Intimidator 18XP

The Intimidator™ 18XP is Bandit's most popular hand-fed drum-style chipper. With a 20-1/2" high by 20-7/8" throat opening, 37-inch diameter drum, aggressive engine options, and Bandit's slide box feed system, it outperforms all other 18-inch chipper models. It's intended for tree services and municipalities who frequently operate on residential area projects, large tree removals, lot clearing locations, and storm cleaning scenarios.

Equipment Specifications:

Learn more about the benefits of our state-of-the-art equiptment.
  • 37" diameter x 22" wide drum with four knives
  • 360° hand crank swivel
  • 10 5/8" diameter x 20" wide feed wheels
  • Slide box feed system
  • 32.3 CID hydraulic motors
  • Bandit control panel with reversing auto feed
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